Bratchari Life Making (Jivan Vrata)
Bratchari is a lifestyle approach. Various problems of daily life can be solved by this method with little effort. For this purpose an attempt has been made to collect and publish scattered words or instructions. I hope these words of Bratchari will be useful for everyone in practicing Vrat-centered life.
Also, those who do not take initiation but want to achieve success in various areas of their life will also benefit from it. For this purpose, all types of readers will benefit from the following exercises:
01.Morning wake up and work(Pratakitya):
“Bratachari Brush your teeth in the morning and after dinner
If you don’t brush twice afterwards, your eyes will full of tears.”
There is a saying in English “Morning shows the days”. That is, every morning tells how the whole day will be spent. If we want to do every task of the day on time, we must start every task on time in the beginning. Otherwise I will be behind in every work of the day. So not only Bratcharis, everyone has to get out of bed from early in the morning and brush their teeth after washing in the morning. And after eating at night you should brush your teeth in time.
02) Daily Ritual(Danik kritya):-
“Exercise sports or dance every day
After all, some labor for others
Bratchari is definitely a ritual.”
Everyone needs body building exercises after brushing their teeth. Because a whole life is based on a body derived from fitness. So it is absolutely necessary for everyone to exercise daily to keep the body strong and functional and work for the welfare of mankind. And the health of the body can possess all the resources.
03) First Rule (Adiniti):-
“The mind is disturbed so the body is disturbed.”
The mind has a special relationship with the body. And because people are thoughtful, they are such advanced people. That’s why we need to have practical knowledge about the methods of mind control. Which increases our mind power through regular practice. And in all cases we can be people of heart.
04) Mind and Action(Man o kaj):-
“He who has a big mind, no task is small.”
He who has a small mind, all his actions are small.”
Then comes the specific task. And therein lies our problem. Because nowadays many people don’t get work according to their mind or will power. But it may be true that not all jobs are for everyone. What we need to learn is to do everything mindfully. And for big work, you have to be big mind. And it is possible if we can increase the power of mind through mental discipline. But no task will be small. Moreover, the power to act comes from our character. That’s why we need to develop our character properly.
05) Pursuit(Sadhana):-
“The first is character, the second is labor
Third place is society and fourth place is dance”.
So character is our real driving force. With the help of which we can overcome all obstacles and move forward on the path of success. And merit is earned according to character. So practical methods of character building should be learned through training.
06) Unemployment Boycott (Bekari varjan):-
“Bratachari does what comes to hand
He died of shame because he was unemployed.”
To break the chain of unemployment, it is absolutely necessary to launch oneself into the ocean of work with great passion. Otherwise, the solution of this problem will never be possible with the efforts of the government alone. So one has to understand this ultimate truth keeping in mind one’s potential strength.
07.Interest in action (Karmagraha):-
“The bratchari acts without malice and shame.”
So the real work of an ascetic is to end the aversion to action. To get rid of hatred and shame, ‘lest people say something’ – this mindset does not engage him in work . So Guruji also said: “Bratachari works without malice, without shame.”
08) Honor and Humiliation(Man Opaman):-
“Equal status of Bratchari in all works he has done
Does not stand on his own feet, he feels insulte.”
Especially Bratchari workers who learn a lot if they cannot make themselves self-reliant have no chance in life. For that he has to stand on his own feet.
09)Eating and Living(Khoya o Bancha):-
“Don’t liveing to eat, eat for liveing
Person who is fool to brag for eating
Eat more and more repeat for others
Lost the name of his beloved for ever.”
Don’t live to eat, eat for liveing .But energy is very necessary for performance of work . And energy comes from eating our food. Therefore, to keep the body in good shape, it is necessary to eat food suitable for work performance. Excess food should never be eaten; Nor should it be force fed for others. It is more undesirable that the health of loved ones will deteriorate.
10) Rules of food waste (Uchhista Niyam): 0 :
“Don’t throw waste on the ground
should be thrown into the container.”
Remember when eating, do not throw food or waste on the ground. It makes the place dirty and takes time to clean. When it is piled in a pit it makes good organic manure which fertilizes the soil.
) Main Responsibilities(Pradhan Kartyba):-
“ Close attention for Bratchari.
Rules regulations seriously. “
Just as a boat needs speed to move in a certain direction, life needs discipline to move in a certain direction. Any problem in life can be solved very easily if you remember the rules of Bratchari.
12) Bratchari Circle (Bratchari Vritta):-
“Bratachari circle work and dance
Always work without dancing
So it’s not dancing without work.”
The circle symbolizes wholeness or completeness. Bratchari is not merely a matter of dance, song or entertainment of the mind. So the focus should be more on performance and work than on dance music. There is no harm in dancing and singing to strengthen the body or to strengthen the mind. But fulfilling the responsibility is a very important task. So even if the Bratchari does not know dance, he has to perform his duty properly